
Posts Tagged ‘Goal’

Happy New Year!

December 30, 2013 Comments off

A new year, new reflections, new goals. 

Wow, another year is over, can anyone actually believe it? Time is going so fast.

A new year is arguably the best time to look back at the past few months and assess what has happened in your life. To be honest quite a lot has happened in mine, finished a relationship with a girl that I was mad about. That really hit me hard. Finished three amazing years at university where I made so many life long friendships and have some great memories. I also moved into Mansfield for a job (not the best decision I ever made). I have also gambled big and moved straight out of home after finishing university, the independence is amazing! But it gets tough at the same time!

I received news towards the end of the year that will make my dream future more achievable and has meant 2014 will be a very big year. After all what we really need in life is hope. At this moment in time I am working in a job I hate, for a reason many of us will understand. Bills. Bills, bills, bills. They govern life and they suck! I am not however, one of these people to sit around and complain about their life and attempt to do nothing about it! But I also do not believe in New Years Resolutions. They do not work, you will always give up. Why? Because if you want to change your life or something inside it you would not wait until the calendar changed to do it, you would do it straight away. This is why I have my own take on the turn of the new year.

Instead of pointless resolutions I have goals that I want to have reached by this time next year. The reason I say 2014 is a very big year for me, is not a cliché. Too many people say this, but the truth is, every year is a big one for everyone! Look back on every year in your life for a few years (if you have a decent memory) and name me one year that nothing happened of note, no new or end of relationships, new or old jobs, or travels. Or anything  that changed your life! But back to the point, the reason 2014 is a big year for me is because I have so much planned for it that I want to achieve. I actually plan to write a blog post this exact day next year to tell you, and myself, how well I have got on.

I want to carry the fitness programme I am on, and I want it to have really gone well in a years time. I want to have started my masters degree and really be on the road to a great career. On top of this I want to be in another part-time job. Real progress has to be made on learning how to drive, I can no longer put this off! One thing that is nagging me is my writing, I am very creative and have many ideas but I do not sit down and put them on paper. I want to mend this by blogging at least twice a month and starting a big fantasy novel which is just growing and growing inside my head. I will actually put a few scenes on here too. I also want to go abroad, this will either be for a few months working or for a month going around Europe. Either way, travelling out of the United Kingdom for a while is certainly going to happen in 2014! Last but not least (although I have probably left a few things out) I would love to learn a language, this could either be revisiting German which I have a foundation in, or go completely new like Hindi!

Maybe I can learn to cook a bit too. Who knows!

But most importantly I hope that everyone has a great new year! May everything you wish to achieve become yours through hard work and dedication! After all what we all need is to work hard for ourselves and have bit of luck!

Happy New Year for 2014!!!