
Posts Tagged ‘government’

The concept of money

June 9, 2014 Comments off

Hi guys, it has been a while but I have been very busy. I will be moving to South Korea very soon so I hope that sums up how busy I have been over the past few months!!

I will also be in Camp NaNoWriMo in July so my time will be even more scarce.

Anyway, as the blog says, now for something completely different…….

By now you know I am an odd one and something that I have been thinking about lately is money. And no, not that I want more money or I want to buy the latest cars/games consoles as I am not one of these ‘live for materials’ people. I have been thinking of the actual reason for money and the way it is pointless and ruins humanity. Come on now, think about it, the universe has been around for billions of years, the earth had sustained life for millions and it is beautiful. For roughly 3,000 years a species on one planet has destroyed that world, murdered others and countless other crimes, for money. I mean what is money anyway?         Well. Money is ultimately everything and nothing because we believe it is. We believe the most civilized system is to allow 1% to have everything and the rest to ‘literally’ starve based on this concept. Yes, it has been good in some places, basically speeding up many things in the modern world, but has it really been worth it? We are now controlled by a few people in governments and banks that ultimately have the final say in everything in our life. It is these people who tell you to fight in the war or decide you will not be able to eat tonight, whilst paying themselves heavily with this currency.

I am not a communist or a traditional anarchist. But I do find it very interesting that people jump to those conclusions when another person thinks exploitation and slavery is wrong. I mean, communism and anarchy is wrong, just as wrong in fact as what we currently call civilized society and that false sense of freedom. (Come on let’s face it, you are not free in any sense of the word). Governments and others brainwash you into a system. You are born, you become ‘educated’, meaning you become who they want you to become. This carefully planned education helps you get a job, get married and live a ‘civilized’ quiet life, only to produce children to go into the system again. Maybe along the way you struggle to pay bills, never own your own house as someone else owns it and you never really get to travel. But best case scenario the status quo remains, the worst case scenario the rich get richer whilst the poor become poorer.

Again, you have to ask yourself why?

Why are you working from 9-6 everyday of your life, and not enjoying the world. No one knows why we are on this planet, but no matter what the purpose of life is, it certainly is not to sit in an office and stare at walls. Multi-national companies have now also cemented their way into the top of this tree. They fund governments and banks in order to get away with things and to have influence over our lives. (The first major one was  the East Indian company and what an evil corrupt bunch they were!)

Money is not real! It has grown into something it should never have been. It has also become the biggest thing dividing the human species today. A made up theory of what things are worth and what you should do for them. Money is after all as real as the Lord of the rings. Although when you think about it that story is based on rings that several civilizations believe holds power and value so they fight and die over it and ultimately they have no power apart from greed and exploitation ……. wait? This sounds like the last few centuries of our own history. I am not analyzing the great works of J.R.R Tolkien but maybe he knew this all along.

The Church and other religions ended up really just becoming another greed power house. Which was ironic when you consider they aimed to define money as worthless (which it truly is) and only ended up becoming rich, exploiters themselves. The majority of wars have happened based on one group of ‘wealthy’ people disagreeing with another. So to sum up, and I mean really think about this, from the moment you are born in modern civilized society, you are not considered a human. You are considered firstly by the different class you fall into based on the wealth you are born into. Working class, Middle class, upper class. These are all fake too, another fake concept made to ultimately divide us against each other. From the moment you are born you are important to the government of your country due to how much tax you may pay one day. You pay to eat, to drink, to survive, for tax, to buy things, to trade, for education, for healthcare etc.

You cannot change this system because the people at the top hold this power and will stop this from changing by making you believe in the system. King’s decided what to do with your money, and now political parties debate what to do with your money, only to do whatever they want to or whatever is in their best interest, without allowing you to question the concept in the first place. 

Things have happened in the past to attempt to help this 1% vs 99% before, such as social welfare reform and trade unions. But all this has really done is strengthen the false differences between a human born into wealth or who becomes wealthy against those who are not. This is because ultimately you cannot help people in a system without questioning the very mechanism of the system itself, the concept of money. 

What do we add in its place you ask? I am not 100% sure. I am not an expert, and those that are will only say ‘nothing’ as they become wealthy for this in the system. However there are many alternatives, I am going to explore a few of them in my upcoming novel and by the nature of it this will take a few years to be completed as it just keeps growing.

I am not saying that the concept of money and wealth in today’s world hasn’t always been so tragically bad. I am also not suggesting that everyone with money is an arse, but I am saying we need to start thinking about this. We need to start change. To highlight this issue the US has more than enough food to feed the whole world 100 times over, yet millions are dying of starvation. Do you ever ask why? Exactly. It comes down to those that control food supplies, the ones with money.

If modern education has done something right, it has given us the ability to think, to realize something is not right or to find out why. So why can’t we use this to think out of the box. Why do we spend our life pursuing monetary gain and wealth and not enjoying life and the world. If this is not true, why do people on their deathbeds regret spending too much time at work and not enough actually enjoying being alive. Why is everyone either a Capitalist and if they disagree with this ridiculous system they are a communist or a socialist or even a ‘hippie’? Why can’t we be humanists? Or something new (unless someone coined this before me in which case I apologize), Earthist.