
Posts Tagged ‘season 3’

Who really killed Robb Stark?

February 8, 2014 2 comments

While I will warn that many spoilers are coming this way about the world of Game of Thrones, I will not apologise for the title, as you would not be able to get away from this even if you don’t watch the show!

Anyway, everyone knows he is dead. All you have to do is read or watch the first season where he becomes King of the North to know he dies. But what shocks everyone is how he dies! Murdered by several Frey crossbowmen and Roose Bolton, the second most powerful man in the North. What shocks most people is the fact it happens mid way through a Storm of Swords, and the fact George R.R. Martin goes to special lengths to tell you that now Robb has eaten at the twins he is safe under the sacred guest laws. While this makes the Frey’s and the Bolton’s the two most detestable families in Westeros, just how much of this murder was down to them? Well lets look at all those responsible…..

1) Tywin Lannister  

                                Without Tywin Lannister’s input , Robb Stark would certainly still be alive. In the show Tywin is unknowingly defending his home Casterly Rock, by plotting this shocking event. But in reality he is just using an opportunity to kill an enemy. As hand of the king he promises the safety of House Frey (which is evidently not possible) and gives them Riverrun, the home of the Tullys. He also grants Roose Bolton the title of Warden on the North. Without these, of course Robb Stark would not have been killed. But then, surely if someone started writing to you asking you to kill your king, the man you fought for and was meant to love, you would not just go ahead and do it for the promise of power. Even if your king broke his promise to marry your daughter, cold-blooded murder is not the answer. Even in Westeros. There has to be more at work here than a powerful man seducing less powerful ones.

Guilt rating 7/10

2) Theon Greyjoy 

Possibly the most detested character in season two, Theon certainly had his part to play in Robb Stark’s murder. If it wasn’t for Theon’s betrayal Robb would never have been at the twins in the first place. As you know he was at the Twins to get support for the attack on Moat Cailin and the following rescue of the North from the Ironmen. As that is what a King does when he loses his Kingdom, tries to win it back. He doesn’t plan to take a castle that has never been taken and is meant to be impenetrable with fewer men than he could even hope to muster. (Thanks HBO for making Robb Stark not a believable character, I mean you are meant to love a King that doesn’t even jump straight back to save his Kingdom). But enough of that, he was great in the books, and this is about Theon. He attacked Winterfell, got rid of the Stark boys and allowed Ramsay Snow an opportunity to secretly betray the Starks and kill Rodrik. (Theon beheads Rodrik in the show). Without this the Starks keep the North, Ramsay doesn’t betray the Starks on Roose’s orders and Robb is not present at a red wedding.

Although saying all this Theon does get tortured for one and a bit years by Ramsay. And does become a character you really pity. But still, shame on him!

Guilt rating 9/10

3) Catelyn Stark                                

She is here for one reason. Jaimie Lannister. She let him go, thinking somehow her daughters will be able to return to her from this secret trade. Whilst the journey does change Jaimie in many ways, it was nearly impossible for him to make it home in the first place (without the help of Roose Bolton, in yet another betrayal). What she really does is allow Tywin Lannister the freedom to plot Robb’s murder and allows Roose to see how weak Robb is as a king. Yet again, without this Robb is not betrayed and does not die as if anything would happen to him, Tywin would fear the death of his son.

However due to the fact she does all these things in order to protect and save her children, believes two of them are dead, sees her eldest son murdered in front of her eyes and then brutally murdered herself, it would be extremely harsh to blame her for his death.

Guilt rating 6/10 

4) Robb Stark 

Unfortunately I had to consider the man himself. For quite simply, being an idiot. I mean, he trusts Theon to bring him an army from a family who hate him. He marries the westerling girl from the Lannister’s ranks and betrays his oath. (Marries a random foreigner in the show). Even though he previously stated how important it is to keep oaths and honour. HOWEVER by marrying Jayne he is technically doing the honourable thing in his books. But it does lead to his death, quite how his father’s honour led to his.

However, blaming the king in the north for his own slaughter is a bit extreme, especially how he was only at the twins in order to flank Moat Cailin and retake the north. However he does take some responsibility for being a total tit.

Guilt rating 5/10

P.S. People who watch the TV show don’t know this but Robb actually married a Lannister girl, and she wasn’t murdered, in fact she is still well and alive. But she also didn’t have a hand in the red wedding and was murdered.

5) Melisandre and Stannis

Well, how are these two responsible for the red wedding I hear you ask? One answer. R’hllor. There are many Gods in Westeros and even more in Essos, but only two of the religions really seem to have any power. The Lord of Light R’hllor and the old Gods of the north that the Starks worship. But up to now in the show we have only seen R’hllor’s power. He has brought back Beric 6 times from death, and given Melisandre demon babies. Both scary concepts. But what makes these guys to blame is what happens directly before Robb Stark’s death, actually I think it happened a few pages before the red wedding, (correct me if I am wrong) and certainly takes place in the episode before it on HBO. They used Edric Storm’s blood and named the Usurper Robb Stark. Soon after he was dead. Coincidence? Definitely not!!!

Guilt Rating 10/10

P.S It is Gendry’s blood they use in the show as HBO wanted to yet again ruin something. Although it kind of worked, if you don’t consider one the plot changes from a dance with dragons.

6) Jaimie Lannister

Started the whole thing by pushing Bran out of the window. Also behind the deaths of both of Lord Karstark’s sons. Also told Roose Bolton to give Robb Stark his regards. And of course Roose Bolton says, ‘Jaimie Lannister sends his regards’ as he plunges his knife into his heart. However, the Jaimie Lannister in a Storm of Swords and the one after his journey to Kings Landing is arguably the best character in the series.

Guilt Rating  6/10

7)Roose Bolton and Walder Frey

They committed the slaughter, betrayed the king. Special mention must go out to Walder Frey, takes revenge for someone breaking an oath to him by breaking an even more powerful one! He also takes the blame,  breaks the sacred guest laws, etc etc. But it took more than two jealous lords who wanted more power. All I can say is come on Wyman Manderly!!!!  

Guilt Rating 9/10

Result, it was clearly R’hllor. The Fire God is scary as hell!!

Well, Season 4 is now upon us and it will be even better than season 3! Seriously I have not read a book better than a Storm of Swords! And I have read a lot of books!!

But do not worry folks, I am going to give Game of Thrones a rest for a while, my next post will not be Westeros related!!